Museum.Delivery 2018 – ongoing

«A museum is something that has not happened yet» – based on this formula a practice of building a museum could be delivered anywhere by a request of participants. In forms of meetings as well as in a circulation of artefacts, it brings an impulse for making temporary site-specific expositions. Being portable and travelling, it could be carried in a bag, installed on a dining table as well as take over a museum hall.

Museum.Delivery is a performative action to question a sense and a need for museumness. Depending on the place, time and participants, the architecture of relations reveals a potential of spatial and social situations to form a temporary museum of the here and now. It can be composed at home, in the office, at school or right on the street to show in a circle of friends, become a public event, or remain in bounds of private experience.

Museum.Delivery has started in 2018 by the micro-art-group Gorod Ustinov in a residency of the cooperative Gleis70 in Zurich, Switzerland.

In 2022 the practice changed its title and symbolic function to the Embassy of microterritories. The artists Kirill Agafonov and Natalia Peredvigina left militarised Russia. Being in exile they were presenting their works and personal microterritories carrying them in a «diplomat» briefcase. During 18 months of migration through several countries they were offering public discussion and joint artistic practice, gathering stories and artefacts of the microterritories of others.

Kirill Agafonov now lives in Zurich. He is developing the idea of the microterritory and working on a continuation of the Museum.Delivery.

The new
has been launched on 17/01/2023
at Yet to Happen in Zurich, Switzerland
in a connection with other geographical points.

As part of the ZEICHEN ZEICHNEN finissage organised by LOKAL14 a pop-up of the Museum.Delivery project was presented by Kirill Agafonov and offered the practice of direct cultural exchange. There were works of different artists and non-artistic artifacts which could be taken for a while with no buying them but getting for an experience. It came up as a continuation of the process-based show Yet to Happen which took place in the same space in January 2023.

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Museum.Delivery has also a digital form ~ It is an app developed together with children of the Sep village in Udmurtia and the InGame software studio. In 2019 it was presented at the exhibition Zemlya Muzjem in the PERMM museum for contemporary art, Permm. It’s also a part of a permanent exhibition Time drives a round dance in the Museum of Igra region in Udmurtia. Now it is on display at the show Tau, Sep! in Nizhny Novgorod. And it is taking a place at the Embassy of Microterritories and Museum.Delivery sessions in Sweden, Switzerland and other countries.